Thumbnail Generation Issues We're aware of issues relating to thumbnail generation with a decent quantity of certain images, and we're looking into it.
Welcome to Twibooru! Anonymous posting only; no content restrictions beyond pony-related and legal; comments are disabled by default (Settings -> Comments). Read me!

Content Safety

By default, content that is safe and suitable for all ages is all you'll see on the site, and how most of our users browse. The default filters focus on art, so filter out things like memes and what some users would consider "spam".

Filters let you customize what content you see on the site. This means that with the appropriate filter selected, you can access content which is not suitable for everyone, such as sexually explicit, grimdark or gory material.

By changing away from the default filters, you accept you are legally permitted to view this content in your jurisdiction. If in doubt, stick with the recommended default filters.

Browsing Filters

Images posted on Twibooru are tagged, allowing you to easily search for content. You can also filter out content you'd rather not see using filters. Filters are sets of tags - spoilered tags and hidden tags. Spoilers are images that show up as thumbnails instead of the image, letting you click through and find out more about an image before deciding to view it or not. Hidden tags will simply hide images.

There are set of global filters to pick from which cover some common use-cases. If you're logged in you can also customize these filters and make your own, as well as quickly switch (via the menu on every page) between them.

So how do these work?

You can select any filter you can see. This will become your active filter and will affect how you see the site. You can edit filters if you own them - you can create a filter from scratch with the link under "My Filters" (if you're logged in, of course) or by clicking "Customize", which will copy an existing filter for you to edit.

By default all the filters you create are private and only visible by you. You can have as many as you like and switch between them instantly with no limits. You can also create a public filter, which can be seen and used by any user on the site, allowing you to share useful filters with others.

My Filters

If you're logged in, you can create and maintain custom filters here.

Global Filters

Everything EU

  • Used by 318 people
  • Spoilers 0 tags and hides 3 tags
  • View this filter

This filter is intended to display everything except those items that may not be legal in the EU.


  • Used by 9,875 people
  • Spoilers 0 tags and hides 0 tags
  • View this filter

This filter won't filter out anything at all.

Not Imported

  • Used by 12 people
  • Spoilers 0 tags and hides 3 tags
  • View this filter

Hides all content tagged as an import from another image booru, for natural booru engagement.


  • Used by 64 people
  • Spoilers 2 tags and hides 19 tags
  • View this filter

Attempts to filter out images that may contain fetishes people find offensive. This is a good starting point to make your own fetish filter.

FiM Species Only

  • Used by 63 people
  • Spoilers 0 tags and hides 8 tags
  • View this filter

Attempts to only display characters and content that would fit within the universe of Friendship is Magic; no non-canon species, no EQG, and no humanized.


  • Used by 4,060 people
  • Spoilers 2 tags and hides 2 tags
  • View this filter

The site's default filter.

Pony Only

  • Used by 157 people
  • Spoilers 0 tags and hides 28 tags
  • View this filter

Attempts to hide images that are not 'pony' (i.e., pony or hybrid as depicted in the show, excluding zebra and kirin and other non-ponies). Includes both SFW and NSFW.

Search Filters

Some users maintain custom filters which are publicly shared; you can search these filters with the box below.