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Site Announcements » Site updates: Moderation log updates and "Elsewhere" ID searching » Topic Opener

Anonymous #6EC1

What the buck is up everypony? We've got a few new features we wanted to let you all know about:


First up, the "moderation log":/mod-log now has pagination and links to individual entries!

Previously, the moderation log would only show the most recent entries made, and there was no way to scroll back and view historical actions. With a number of backend updates, this has now been fixed and the moderation log now has pages, allowing you to scroll all the way to the beginning.

You may also notice that the moderation log now has active hyperlinks over the @When?@ column. These links provide a quick and easy way to reference back to an individual entry in the log.


New metadata has now been added in the backend for all content created as part of the automated Derpibooru import.

+Elsewhere Menu+
You may have noticed a new menu when viewing an image named @Elsewhere@:


If you drop down this menu, you will see a list of other sites where this images is linked to. As stated above, right now this feature only exists for images imported via the automated Derpibooru import, so the only item that may appear here is Derpibooru. Selecting an item from this menu will take you to the related page on the other site.

+Elsewhere Searching+
You can also now easily search for an image from another site if you know the ID. The query format is: @location:booruname, idatlocation:1234@, where you replace @booruname@ with the name of the site and @1234@ with the ID of the image on that site.

This query format can further be shortened to just @booruname_id:1234@.

As an example, to find the image with the ID of 1 on Derpibooru, you would search for "@derpibooruid:1@":/search?q=derpibooruid%3A1.

Please note that since this is a new implementation, this may not work properly. If you come across any situations where this should work but doesn't, please let me (Twifag) know via "DMs":/conversations?with=4, a user report, or the e-mail address listed on the "Contact page":/pages/contact. I'll only be cataloging these reports, since there is no straightforward way for even admins to fix these until the frontend development is complete.

+Future plans: Elsewhere Frontend+
Yes, right now there is no frontend for users to easily edit the "elsewhere" information, but that is in development. We'll post another announcement once it's live.

Thanks again to everypony for all your support, please let us know if there's anything else you need.

"✶ Twifag":/profiles/Twifag

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