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For more information, see the search syntax documentation. Wildcards are supported in all literal fields. Search results are sorted by image count, then by name alphabetically.

Popular Tags

oc:sitilis1 oc:siuu1 oc:siv0 oc:sivia1 oc:sivlerblaze1 oc:sivlerlay0 oc:siwiko1 oc:six shooter0 oc:six-shot0 oc:sixev1 oc:sixhearts0 oc:sixies0 oc:sixshooter0 oc:sixteen bits1 oc:skai flare1 oc:skald1 oc:skarlet twinkle1 oc:skarlett drignile1 oc:skarrlet1 oc:skaty1 oc:skeletr0n1 oc:sketch howl0 oc:sketch up1 oc:sketchmcreations0 oc:sketchy raifall1 oc:sketchy strokes1 oc:sketchy sweet1 oc:sketchy the changeling0 oc:sketchy(8chan)0 oc:sketchybughorse0 oc:skillet apple brownie1 oc:skilm0 oc:skimmer0 oc:skin&bones1 oc:skink1 oc:skinth1 oc:skip0 oc:skittl stix1 oc:skittle sketch1 oc:skivae lowstrings0 oc:skodia1 oc:skrag0 oc:skrall marfedelom0 oc:skrtich sketch0 oc:skull rose1 oc:skull tentacles0 oc:skullpone0 oc:sky (oda 1997)1 oc:sky claw1 oc:sky colorful1 oc:sky comet1 oc:sky cruncher1 oc:sky dawn1 oc:sky fright1 oc:sky highlights1 oc:sky jewel1 oc:sky lun dancer0 oc:sky sheild1 oc:sky singer1 oc:sky sorbet191 oc:sky spirit1 oc:sky sprint1 oc:sky star night1 oc:sky sweep1 oc:sky the gala0 oc:sky trim1 oc:sky watcher1 oc:sky wingley1 oc:sky-dive0 oc:skyalker shimmer0 oc:skybell0 oc:skycamper1 oc:skydasher1 oc:skydream1 oc:skye codec1 oc:skye dasher1 oc:skye delight1 oc:skye electra1 oc:skye shadow1 oc:skyelight0 oc:skyfall clover1 oc:skyfang1 oc:skyfoam1 oc:skyforth shieldwing0 oc:skyhigh1 oc:skyjade lee1 oc:skyknight1 oc:skylanhelix1 oc:skylar amaranth1 oc:skylaswift1 oc:skylee0 oc:skylight cloud1 oc:skylight night1 oc:skylightshine1 oc:skyline rapture1 oc:skyling nightpony1 oc:skypie1 oc:skyra0 oc:skysecret0 oc:skyshade blue1 oc:skysorbett1 oc:skyview1 oc:skywalk shade0 oc:skywell1 oc:slack off1 oc:slam damage1 oc:slar flare0 oc:slashingprices0 oc:slate sentiments0 oc:sleech0 oc:sleek0 oc:sleeping beauty1 oc:sleepingproto0 oc:sleepy bear1 oc:sleepy pon0 oc:sleepy rainbow1 oc:sleepy sport1 oc:sleepy stardust1 oc:sleigh ride0 oc:sleight o. hoof0 oc:slice n dice0 oc:sliced apple1 oc:slick suds1 oc:slide1 oc:slight shade1 oc:slim gym1 oc:slim kinslow1 oc:slimeball1 oc:slimeling twins1 oc:slimeon0 oc:slippy1 oc:slipstich1 oc:sliver apple1 oc:sliver chips0 oc:sliver stitch0 oc:sliver swirls0 oc:sliverwing0 oc:sloppy lips1 oc:slothly locks1 oc:slow dance1 oc:sluggirl1 oc:slurpz0 oc:slushee1 oc:slushpony1 oc:sly kunai1 oc:small poppies1 oc:small top1 oc:smartmars6030 oc:smenkhkare1 oc:smerelda apple1 oc:smider1 oc:smike0 oc:smike the dragon0 oc:smile soda1 oc:smilexfade0 oc:smith pie1 oc:smithin1 oc:smithy nancy weston0 oc:smocke abyss1 oc:smoke abyss1 oc:smoke bomb1 oc:smokelight hallucination1 oc:smoker quartz1 oc:smokey amber1 oc:smokey mirror1 oc:smokey shadows0 oc:smokey sky1 oc:smokey star1 oc:smokey surprise1 oc:smokin ace1 oc:smokin'1 oc:smoking seraphina1 oc:smoky cascade1 oc:smoky cloud1 oc:smoky mountains1 oc:smoky tinker1 oc:smoldering flame1 oc:smoldering ruby1 oc:smooth mousse1 oc:smooth poitin1 oc:smooth shy1 oc:snacky sprinkles1 oc:snaffleput0 oc:snail pace1 oc:snaily mail1 oc:snake skull1 oc:snap fidget0 oc:snapper1 oc:snappingsnout1 oc:snazzy scarves1 oc:sneaky stripes1 oc:sneeze blue1 oc:sngle cake0 oc:snickerdoodle danish1 oc:snickerdoodles0 oc:snickerman1 oc:sniper shot2 oc:snny flower0 oc:snoop1 oc:snoopystallion0 oc:snow angel (webkinzworldz)1 oc:snow anon0 oc:snow apple1 oc:snow blanket1 oc:snow blind1 oc:snow blood1 oc:snow bolt1 oc:snow creme1 oc:snow ed1 oc:snow fire1 oc:snow gear1 oc:snow grain1 oc:snow lilly1 oc:snow love1 oc:snow obsidian1 oc:snow pétale1 oc:snow radiance1 oc:snow shoe0 oc:snow violet1 oc:snow whirl1 oc:snow-fury0 oc:snowblizz1 oc:snowbound wing1 oc:snowbroth0 oc:snowcappuccino0 oc:snowcloud0 oc:snowdrift north1 oc:snowfall drift1 oc:snowfall radiance1 oc:snowfall smoking1 oc:snowfall winter1 oc:snowfire da piere1 oc:snowflake breeze1 oc:snowflake dream1 oc:snowflake gerald1 oc:snowflake obsidian1 oc:snowlly white1 oc:snowlotus1 oc:snowmist1 oc:snowpup0 oc:snowpupp0 oc:snowscape1 oc:snowsilde0 oc:snowstorm (hoers)1 oc:snowy flake1 oc:snowy flakes1 oc:snowy moonbow1 oc:snowy moonlight1 oc:snowy paw1 oc:snowy starfall1
Showing tags 573501 - 573750 of 609835 total

Default search

If you do not specify a field to search over, the search engine will search for tags with a name that is similar to the query's word stems. For example, winged humanization, wings, and spread wings would all be matched by a search for wing, but sewing would not be.

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
alias_ofLiteralMatches the name of the target tag, if this tag is aliased.alias_of:twilight sparkle
aliasedBooleanMatches when this tag is aliased.aliased:true
aliasesLiteralMatches the name of any of this tag's aliases.aliases:ts
analyzed_nameFull TextMatches the name of this tag. This is the default field.analyzed_name:wing
categoryLiteralMatches the category this tag belongs to.category:origin
descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the full description for this tag.description:species
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this tag.id:40482
imagesNumeric RangeMatches tags with the specified post count.images.lte:1000
implied_byLiteralMatches this tag if it is implied by the given tag.implied_by:transparent background
impliesLiteralMatches this tag if it implies the given tag.implies:shipping
nameLiteralMatches the exact name of this tag.name:safe
name_in_namespaceLiteralMatches the name of this tag with any namespace component removed.name_in_namespace:johnjoseco
namespaceLiteralMatches tags with the given namespace.namespace:artist
short_descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the short description for this tag.short_description:gender
slugLiteralMatches the slug of this tag.slug:-fwslash-mlp-fwslash-

Tag Categories

Category NameDefinition
content-fanmadeFan-Made Content
content-officialOfficial Content
errorIncomplete Metadata
ocOriginal Character
originCreator or Origin

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