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For more information, see the search syntax documentation. Wildcards are supported in all literal fields. Search results are sorted by image count, then by name alphabetically.

Popular Tags

oc:winter heart1 oc:winter lane1 oc:winter pine1 oc:winter ruby1 oc:winter serenade and snowflake0 oc:winter siriusa1 oc:winter sosltice0 oc:winter spear0 oc:winter spott1 oc:winter ward1 oc:winter wink1 oc:winter witch1 oc:winter's light1 oc:wintermane1 oc:wintermelon1 oc:winters chill1 oc:wintersbreath0 oc:winty frost1 oc:winty wondbolt1 oc:winwin1 oc:wipsting1 oc:wise0 oc:wish dancer1 oc:wish rhythm0 oc:wish starglow1 oc:wish wraith1 oc:wishful eyes1 oc:wishful glamour1 oc:wishing apple1 oc:wishing rainbow1 oc:wishing stone1 oc:wishmaker1 oc:wishstar sentry1 oc:wispy jade1 oc:wisteria moonbeam1 oc:wisteria radiance1 oc:wisteria virgo lulamoon1 oc:wisty1 oc:wisty starshine1 oc:witch mountain1 oc:witchet0 oc:witchfae0 oc:witernex1 oc:withania0 oc:withanianightshade0 oc:wither duskstorm0 oc:wither glares0 oc:wivck1 oc:wiz hoofline1 oc:wizzardi1 oc:wizzie0 oc:wobbie1 oc:woldier1 oc:wolf spirit1 oc:wolfmallow1 oc:wolframme1 oc:wolfy londerson1 oc:wollemi pine0 oc:wond3rbunny0 oc:wonder bunny0 oc:wonder rose0 oc:wonder tail1 oc:wonderbolt1 oc:wondering nate1 oc:wondersparkle0 oc:wondersupercanary0 oc:woobat1 oc:woobot1 oc:wood1 oc:wood stand1 oc:woodburrow0 oc:wooden broadsword1 oc:woodentoaster0 oc:woodhill1 oc:woodie1 oc:woodiewool1 oc:woodland1 oc:woolgather0 oc:woolly bear1 oc:woonborg0 oc:woot0 oc:wopio1 oc:word scramble1 oc:wordsflight1 oc:workshop1 oc:worm1 oc:worm apple1 oc:worm on a string1 oc:worm patch finder0 oc:worm sprout1 oc:worry drops0 oc:wovenheart1 oc:wreck1 oc:write quill1 oc:writing star1 oc:wrong neighborhood repost sparkle1 oc:wrong white0 oc:wubbydubby1 oc:wubcake0 oc:wubcakwe0 oc:wuff1 oc:wumbl30 oc:wyatt dash1 oc:wyld pyre1 oc:wynter storm1 oc:wyrm1 oc:x-presso1 oc:x11 oc:xaekai0 oc:xander lu1 oc:xanxus1 oc:xaosw1 oc:xara1 oc:xarandi0 oc:xariya0 oc:xarvax1 oc:xavier sorley1 oc:xay0 oc:xayah0 oc:xbi0 oc:xchan0 oc:xenilla0 oc:xenolestia1 oc:xenon inspiration0 oc:xenoninsignia1 oc:xeon ripper1 oc:xera0 oc:xerces blue1 oc:xerse0 oc:xezia1 oc:xfa 16 firefly0 oc:xhemmy1 oc:xiaoyi1 oc:xiaoyu1 oc:xiaozhai1 oc:xiera1 oc:xili1 oc:xina1 oc:xina dust0 oc:xingzi1 oc:xipoplar1 oc:xirda1 oc:xirtlelt dotharl1 oc:xiulan0 oc:xliazebat1 oc:xmage0 oc:xocoloatl0 oc:xoda1 oc:xodi0 oc:xodiac1 oc:xonfectionery0 oc:xorn1 oc:xoto1 oc:xqc1 oc:xray specs1 oc:xvi switch1 oc:xyzzy1 oc:yagi0 oc:yakan0 oc:yakuma1 oc:yamato sakamoto1 oc:yamatonokami yasusada0 oc:yamomoto1 oc:yana rose1 oc:yangbai1 oc:yanling1 oc:yannerino0 oc:yanuari defender1 oc:yaoiloverds1 oc:yaop1 oc:yasmine1 oc:yasmín madrigal1 oc:ybi1 oc:ye-jun kyu1 oc:yee jay1 oc:yellow apple1 oc:yellow force1 oc:yellow sunbeam1 oc:yellowbright1 oc:yellowgrey pone0 oc:yellowjacket1 oc:yerba mate1 oc:yerbamate1 oc:yeri heart0 oc:yesha saien0 oc:yesterdaisy1 oc:yetti1 oc:ygerna1 oc:yggdrasil1 oc:yiguirro1 oc:yingtao1 oc:yingzi1 oc:yinling1 oc:yishiie1 oc:yisu1 oc:yllow light0 oc:ylva1 oc:yodibat0 oc:yogurtea0 oc:yolochka1 oc:yonah0 oc:yonk1 oc:yonna howline1 oc:yoriko azami1 oc:yorkshire1 oc:yorkshire pudding pie1 oc:yosiko sei katsu1 oc:yosther1 oc:yotes1 oc:youmiko1 oc:young butter princess0 oc:young wierd0 oc:youngleaf1 oc:youngstern metaltorne1 oc:your character here1 oc:yourneighborhoodnerd0 oc:youwannaslap0 oc:yracall0 oc:yshrettulf0 oc:ytlfov1 oc:yu long1 oc:yudei1 oc:yue fei1 oc:yueesy1 oc:yui trup1 oc:yuki brighteyes0 oc:yuki sakamoto1 oc:yuki the piplup1 oc:yuki toshiko0 oc:yukkimo1 oc:yuko-chan1 oc:yulian1 oc:yulianna remedy1 oc:yum1 oc:yume hoshino1 oc:yumie1 oc:yuminx1 oc:yummy buns0 oc:yunflow0 oc:yuri smirnov1 oc:yurika0 oc:yurio0 oc:yury0 oc:yusik jerovich1 oc:yuta ikamari1 oc:yuuvi1 oc:yuval1 oc:yvanie0 oc:z-11 oc:z3-phyr-768h1
Showing tags 574751 - 575000 of 608138 total

Default search

If you do not specify a field to search over, the search engine will search for tags with a name that is similar to the query's word stems. For example, winged humanization, wings, and spread wings would all be matched by a search for wing, but sewing would not be.

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
alias_ofLiteralMatches the name of the target tag, if this tag is aliased.alias_of:twilight sparkle
aliasedBooleanMatches when this tag is aliased.aliased:true
aliasesLiteralMatches the name of any of this tag's aliases.aliases:ts
analyzed_nameFull TextMatches the name of this tag. This is the default field.analyzed_name:wing
categoryLiteralMatches the category this tag belongs to.category:origin
descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the full description for this tag.description:species
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this tag.id:40482
imagesNumeric RangeMatches tags with the specified post count.images.lte:1000
implied_byLiteralMatches this tag if it is implied by the given tag.implied_by:transparent background
impliesLiteralMatches this tag if it implies the given tag.implies:shipping
nameLiteralMatches the exact name of this tag.name:safe
name_in_namespaceLiteralMatches the name of this tag with any namespace component removed.name_in_namespace:johnjoseco
namespaceLiteralMatches tags with the given namespace.namespace:artist
short_descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the short description for this tag.short_description:gender
slugLiteralMatches the slug of this tag.slug:-fwslash-mlp-fwslash-

Tag Categories

Category NameDefinition
content-fanmadeFan-Made Content
content-officialOfficial Content
errorIncomplete Metadata
ocOriginal Character
originCreator or Origin

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