Posts tagged edit
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edit 183621Tag changes
Short description: Edits to content done by third parties. Not for changes made by the original artist.
Aliases: """edit""", edited
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Detailed description:
Short description: Edits to content done by third parties. Not for changes made by the original artist.
Aliases: """edit""", edited
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abuse edit, accessory-less edit, alicorn edit, anime color edit, anonymous editor, artist:bunsogen, artist:glacierclear edits, artist:ponut_joe edit, artist:pony-berserker edits, artist:seriousb edits, artist:shydale edits, bad edit, beard edit, boop edit, breast edit, buff edit, chromatic aberration removal, color edit, composite screencap, cum edit, diaper edit, dreamscope edit, edit of an edit of an edit, edited edit, edited screencap, editor needed, editor:anon3434, editor:anonymous, editor:astroboy84, editor:color anon, editor:deserter, editor:dsp2003, editor:edit anon, editor:hodgepodgedl, editor:marno, editor:paragonaj, editor:theabridgenator, editor:undeadponysoldier, editor:vanchees, editor:watermelon changeling, eqg abuse edits, explicit edit, face edit, fart edit, futa edit, hair edit, kiss edit, logo edit, lordryu fat edit, midnight drifter edit, milk edit, moustache edit, no makeup edit, not a vector, nsfw edit, nude edit, partial nudity edit, pee edit, photo edit, pointless edit, pony eyes edit, ponyar fusion, ponygen wallpapers, pregnant edit, satyr edit, screencap comic, sfw edit, skin color edit, sound edit, text edit, trading card edit, unauthorized edit, underwear edit, vector edit, wallpaper edit, wing clip edit, wingless edit, x-ray edit, youtube caption
Detailed description:
Use this tag ONLY when it is someone other than the original artist
altering the content. Use alternate version
if it is the original artist making the changes.