Posts tagged gay
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gay 42743Tag changes
Short description: Males liking males romantically/sexually
Aliases: homosexual, male on male, yaoi
Implies: male
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Detailed description:
Short description: Males liking males romantically/sexually
Aliases: homosexual, male on male, yaoi
Implies: male
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aeroshell, angelspike, apple breeze, appleblitz (gay), applelusive, applespike (gay), berryscotch, big n rich, bigsentry, blitzike, bloodburst, blueburn, bluemac, bluesentry, boultom, bowmac, bowsoarin, boyra, braebreeze, braeburst, braecake, braediamond, braemac, braemontory, bubbleblitz, bubblejack (gay), bubblelusive, bubbleshine, bulkbreeze, bulkburn, butterblitz, buttercord, butterjack (gay), butterlaris, buttermac, buttershine, buttersive, butterspike, buttonsqueak, caballva, cabiff, cabuizotl, caralane, caramac, carin', carrotburnatura, cheesearmor, cheeseberry, cheesefavor, cheesejoe, cheesepants, cheesepiejoe, cobalt blaze, cobaltsweet, colt on colt, colt on stallion, cracklemash, discoburst, discomac, discomagnet, discomel, dispike, docburst, docgian, doctorpace, donustave, donutmac, dopemis, dopeydoctor, doubleachio, doublelane, doublemac, doubleplate, doubllerlane, doublleron, dumbhoops, dusk shade, dusk shining, duskblitz, duskglare, duskjack (gay), duskspike, dusktan, elublitz, elushine, elusivepants, everyone's gay for promontory, fancygallop, fashionbreeze, feathermac, feathersqueak, feathertoity, filthybulk, filthyspike, firechill, fizzlespear, flashbra, flashburn, flashburst, flashcapper, flashlightosh, flashshine, flimflam, flimflamjack, flithyarmor, fluttercaramac, fluttercaramacpie, fluttermacburst, forpan, fredlights, gallbar, gallbarlus, gallmar, gallspike, garbizzle, gay in front of girls, gaydom, gentlezephyr, glaresentry, gleamburst, goldensnack, greenswoop, grubberspike, haybaked, hoitin', hoity burn, hoityarmor, hoityblood, hoitymac, hoitypants, hoityplate, hoityspike, hoitystreak, hoitywhooves, human male on colt, human male on stallion, indigo glitter glow, ironbreeze, jackbucks, jellydance, joespike, li'l mac n cheese, lightfire streak, limestrike, mac n cheese, macalleron, macburst, macturner, mantrain, microflash, neonplay, neonpolo, neonscrape, neonworthy, noxydrip, openpackage, pantspants, party shoes, party sombra, partyburst, partycheesepie, partydiamond, partyfeather, pipflare, pokeybangs, pokeyfavor, pokeylane, pokeymel, pokeytail, postdopey, poundspike, quibblebreeze, quibbrin, ragadirk, rumbellemash, rumblelane, rumblemar, rumblemash, rumblespike, rumblespikebelle, rumblespikemash, rumbletaps, rumbsqueak, rutherblood, rutherbreeze, sandachio, sandalchips, sandtracker, scooterblitz, scrapetavius, shadyseedrumblehooves, shining bolero, shining light, shiningburn, shiningburst, shiningburstdance, shiningjoe, shininglane, shiningmac, shiningmacburn, shiningsentry, shiningsomblood, shiningsombra, shiningsomdance, shiningwithers, shinrynx, shortbiceps, silverblitz, silverflim, snailburn, snapbow, snaps, snowweb, soarbraelane, soarburn, soarburndash, soarburnfire, soarburst, soarilane, soarin' armor, soarin'diamond, soarinbar, soarinblitz, soarinblood, soarinbreeze, soarindashlane, soarinsentry, soarmac, soarstable, soarstinger, soarstingerlane, sombracord, sombralane, sombrascotch, sombrek, somburst, spails, sparble, spearmor, spelusive, spembrax, spharynx, spikebra, spikeburn, spikeburst, spikeceps, spikelane, spikemash, spikemor, spikentosh, spikequeak, spikero, spikeweight, spikingdance, spips, spreeze, spubble, stablelance, stallion on colt, stallion on human male, stallion on stallion, starachio, stardoc, starplate, starscript, starshine hearts, stellarglare, stingerlane, storek, stormcord, styburst, stygianhoof, styginthemud, stygnus, sugarstrike, sunbar, sunplate, svenblood, svenbra, svenburn, tendachio, tenderbloomcutter, tendercutter, terraburst, terraroll, terrax, thombra, thoraxarmor, thoraxburst, thoraxsparlight, thoraxspike, thorynx, thunderburn, thunderburst, thunderflash, thunderfront, thunderhunter, thundermac, thundershoes, thunderskies, timberflash, tirekcord, tomberg, trenderbreeze, trenderhoo'far, trendermac, trenderplate, trendertoity, tristgleam, troubleburn, troublemac, wizwinds, zephbra, zephyrbangs, zephyrburst, zephyrflash, zephyrlane, zephyrlanehugger, zephyrmac, zephyrmacburst, zephyrstreak, zoops
Detailed description:
For romantic/sexual desires or interaction between males.
Masturbation and solo anal play are NOT gay in and of themselves.