Posts tagged twilight sparkle
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twilight sparkle 398978Tag changes
Short description: The cutest, smartest, all around best pony. Also, book horse.
Aliases: ts, twiight sparkle, twileesha sparkles, twilght sparkle, twilight, twilight saprkle, twilight sparkles, twilightsparkle
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Detailed description:
Short description: The cutest, smartest, all around best pony. Also, book horse.
Aliases: ts, twiight sparkle, twileesha sparkles, twilght sparkle, twilight, twilight saprkle, twilight sparkles, twilightsparkle
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adagilight, alicorn pentarchy, alicorn tetrarchy, aloelight, alternate mane seven, ambiguous twilight, andlight, angeltwi, appledashlight, appleflaritwidashpie, athena sparkle, babylight sparkle, barbshine, bimbo sparkle, bubblelight, bubbleshine, busty sci-twi, busty twilight sparkle, buttershine, candylight, canterlot six, capperlight, caralight, carrotlight, celestia's true form, chaselight, cheeriderplight, cheerilight, cheerleader sparkle, cloudylight, cocosparkle, cometlight, corpulight, cozytwi, crankylight, crystaltwi, daisylight, dark shine, diamondlight, discolight, doctwi, drunk twilight, dusk shade, dusk shield, dusk shine, dusk shining, duskblitz, duskdash, duskflare, duskglare, duskjack, duskjack (gay), dusklestia, duskmoon, duskpie, duskshimmer, duskshy, duskspike, dusktan, dusktwi, earth pony twilight, elushine, emberlight, eyepatch (disguise), filly twilight sparkle, filly twilight telling an offensive joke, flashlight, flashlightosh, flashlightshimmer, flashshine, flatlight sparkle, fleurlight, flutterdashlight, futa midnight sparkle, futa twilight sparkle, future twilight, gingerlight, gizmolight, gleaming sparkle, glitterlight, glittershadowlight, grumpy twilight, gustave le sparkle, human dusk, human flash sentry x pony twilight, humane seven, humane six, lemonlight, liam sparkle, lightflashlight, lotuslight, lunashimmerlight, lusterlight, magical quartet, mama twilight, mane seven, mane six, mane six vaginas, manelight, matwilda, mayorlight, mean twitwi, microlight, midnight sparkle, midnightabetes, midnightdaydream, milky sparkle, monsparkle, mordetwi, naked six, neighsparkle, nightmare rarilight, nightmare twilight, older mane seven, older mane six, older twilight, omniship, pegasus twilight sparkle, prince dusk, princess twilard, princess twilight 2.0, purple smart, quibblelight, rapidash twilight, rarilight, rarilightpie, rarishine, raritwidash, redraw mordetwi meme, robotwi, sci-glitterlight, sci-rarilight, sci-springlight, sci-tempestlight, sci-twi, sci-twinata, sci-twixie, sciflash, scitwidash, scitwijack, scitwilicorn, scitwinkie, scitwishimmer, scitwishining, scitwishy, scitwispike, scootatwi, scorlight, screaming armor, seapony twilight, shadow six, shiningsparkle, snapplemena, soarlight, songlight, sourlight, sparkle sparkle sparkle, sparkleberry, sparkleblaze, spidertwi, sprglitemplight, springdropslight, springlight, springshadowlight, starlusterlightixie, sugartwi, sunlightpie, sunset twiangle, sunset yells at twilight, sunsetsparkle, suntwixie, surilight, sweepsweepsweep, tarashine, tempestflashlight, tempestlight, tempestlightshimmer, that pony sure does love books, the rainbooms, thighlight sparkle, timbertwi, toilight paper, treelightbetes, tristansparkle, trixlight starset, trixshine, tsunlight sparkle, twerpy, twiabetes, twiara, twibarb, twibat, twibeak, twibelle, twibitch sparkle, twiblitz, twiblood, twibloom, twiblurr, twibook, twibot, twibra, twibreaker, twiburn, twiburst, twibutt, twicest, twichaser, twicora, twidance, twidancer, twidash, twidashdancer, twidashpie, twidust, twiffron, twifinish, twifire, twiflam, twiflare, twiflim, twiflower, twiford, twigarble, twiger, twiggie, twigian, twiglare, twiglider, twiglimmerjack, twihan, twihugger, twihunter, twijack, twijack (straight), twijoe, twiknight, twikonequus, twilane, twilard sparkle, twilarina, twilaris, twilda, twileander, twilestia, twilich sparkle, twilight breezie, twilight holding food, twilight is a colt coddler, twilight is a foal fiddler, twilight is not amused, twilight muscle, twilight snapple, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight sparkle gets all the mares, twilight stealing a cookie, twilight sweeple, twiliscious, twilist, twilock, twiluna, twilunestia, twilusive, twilybuse, twilynanas, twimac, twimestone, twimony, twimoon, twinata, twinight, twinkie, twinkiespike, twinklestia pie, twinkuna, twinuette, twipants, twipunch, twirax, twisalis, twiscotch, twiscript, twishy, twishypie, twishyset, twisludge, twisnails, twisparity, twispember, twispike, twispoon, twistarlight, twisub, twitaps, twitavia, twitem, twitracker, twitwi, twiwarden, twiworm, twixflash, twixie, twixity, twixstar, twizap, twizazz, twizest, twizuma, twolight, twyra, ultimate twilight, unicorn sci-twi, unicorn twilight, velvet sparkle, vinylight
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